Screenshot of the post on the Facebook page of the "Khabze Khase" about a solidarity action with Martin Kochesoko in Amman

21 September 2020, 11:24

Jordan Circassians support journalist Martin Kochesoko

In Amman, Circassians responded to the initiative of the "Jordanian Association of Caucasian Circassians' Friends" and held a solidarity action with the activist, Martin Kochesoko, ahead of the trial of his case in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (KBR) scheduled for September 22.

The "Caucasian Knot" has reported that Kochesoko was detained in Nalchik in June 2019. According to the police, he confessed to buying narcotic drugs. He faces up to ten years in prison. The activist himself insists that drugs were planted on him, and treats the criminal case as a revenge for his civil activism. The detention of Kochesoko has triggered a broad response not only in Russia, but also abroad.

In connection with the approach of the trial of his case, the head of the "Khabze" organization in the KBR, and those in Amman, "who are following Martin's case with interest, have expressed their solidarity to him and demanded justice for him," calling for the "trumped-up charges to be removed from the activist ", says the Facebook page of the "Khabze Khase".

On September 19, participants of the action held Jordanian and Circassian flags, posters with the Kochesoko's portrait and the words "Freedom to Martin Kochesoko" written in Arabic, English, Circassian and Russian languages.

This article was originally published on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’ on September 20, 2020 at 01:19 pm MSK. To access the full text of the article, click here.

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