01 December 2007, 12:30

Facts of children's rights violations revealed in Rostov Region

In the city of Belaya Kalitva, Rostov Region, the prosecutor's office have detected the facts of violation of children's rights, namely, non-provision of free-of-charge medicines to children under 3 years old.

During the audit of the targeted use of the funds of the Russian Federal Programme of Drugs Supplies (ROFOMS) at the Municipal Health Institution "City Children's Polyclinic" (CCP), the prosecutor's office has established that in the period from May 29 to June 22, 2007, the polyclinic carried out its activities without the necessary license on rendering medical services.

Children aged under three in need of treatment were not always prescribed free-of-charge medical products by physicians. Besides, a random inspection of children's medical cards has revealed numerous facts when doctors appointed to children aged under three in need of treatment medical products from the list of free-of-charge medicines, but no recipes on these drugs were written out.

There were no entries in children's medical cards that parents refused to take free-of-charge recipes on the required drugs. These facts are reported by the IA Regions.ru with reference to the data of the Rostov Regional Prosecutor's Office.

On the facts of the revealed violations, the Chief Physician of the CCP was warned about the inadmissibility of violating the legislation on licensing. A presentation has been brought on elimination of law violations and bringing of the guilty persons to disciplinary responsibility.

We remind you that in July 2007 the Legislative Assembly of the Rostov Region made a decision to institute the post of the Ombudsman for Children's Rights in the Region.

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