A woman at an Orthodox icon in the center of the gymnasium of the Beslan school. Photo by Alan Tskhurbaev for the Caucasian Knot

03 September 2021, 11:40

Victims of Beslan school terror act share experiences of overcoming tragedy

Self-improvement efforts, yoga, books by psychotherapists and active social activities help to cope with psychological traumas after the school seizure by terrorists in Beslan, former hostages said at a meeting dedicated to the tragedy's anniversary.

The "Caucasian Knot" has reported that on September 1, 2004, terrorists took 1128 hostages in a gym of the Beslan school No. 1. The special operation to release the hostages was finished on September 3, 2004. As a result of the terror act, 334 people were killed, including 186 children, and other 810 people were injured.

In Vladikavkaz, meetings on the reflection of the terror act were held in the "Lamp" Arts Space. On the first day, former pupils of School No. 1 in Beslan shared their experiences of overcoming depression. On September 2, a meeting was held with mothers-members of the "Voice of Beslan".

Dzera Kusova, a former hostage of the Beslan school, said that the kundalini-yoga helped her cope with depression and anxiety. "I've got rid of the neuralgic pains in my neck that I suffered after three days of strenuous sitting in the school gym. The general condition became better – I began having enough sleep in four hours a day, and the energy for life appeared," Ms Kusova has stated.

Books by psychotherapists played an important role in her recovery. "This was the first step out of depression – I made a conscious decision that I want to be happy," she said.

According to Dzera, it took her ten years "to get out of the state of the victim and start living." She has added that she is still working on herself.

On September 2, Ella Kesaeva and Emma Tagaeva, activists of the "Voice of Beslan", shared their experiences of countering the tragedy consequences. They said that immersion in work and seeking justice was a way for them to cope with depression.

On September 3, organizers plan to arrange an "open microphone", where everyone can speak about one's painful things.

This article was originally published on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’ on September 3, 2021 at 03:30 am MSK. To access the full text of the article, click here.

Author: Tamara Agkatseva Source: CK correspondent

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