Celebration of the New Year in Adygea. Photo: Nadezhda Guseva, http://gorets-media.ru/v-adygee-otprazdnujut-novyj-god-po-mestnym-tradicijam

22 March 2018, 08:15

Circassian New Year fails to become a popular family holiday in Adygea

In the capital of Adygea, people celebrated the Circassian New Year with festivities on Square of Unity and Harmony. Some families celebrated the holiday from times when public institutions did not pay attention to it. However, the Circassian New Year did not become widely celebrated as a family holiday.

The "Caucasian Knot" correspondent was informed by Liana Achmiz, a specialist from the Ministry for Culture of Adygea, that the holiday was associated with the spring equinox.

"The Adyg people celebrated two holidays that could be interpreted as a New Year celebration," said Zarema Tseeva, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Adyg History and Culture Department at the State University of Adygea.

The Jagu (holiday dances) is a mandatory attribute of the Adyg New Year. There was also a ritual of sacrifice, and people cooked ritual food, most often meat of black sheep and pies with cheese.

"This is the same holiday of Nowruz, the day of the spring equinox. It is celebrated by all people, including Persians, Turks, and Asians," said in turn historian Zaurbek Kozhev.

The scientist has added there is nothing wrong with the holiday, "but it's wrong to single it out as a Circassian national holiday."

Aslan Beshto, the head of the public organization "Kabardian Congress", believes this is "a very family and warm holiday, symbolizing the onset of spring and warm weather."

Muslims treat the holiday negatively because of its pagan roots, said Zaur, a resident of Maikop.

Full text of the article is available on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’.

Author: Asya Kapaeva Source: CK correspondent

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