Ramzan Kadyrov. Photo: https://server1.kavtoday.ru/6990

09 September 2016, 11:10

Saudi theologian calls Ramzan Kadyrov enemy of Islam

In Saudi Arabia, theologians have harshly criticized the fatwa of the Grozny Islamic conference, which recognizes only followers of the Sufi tariqat as the true Muslims. A source from the military circles of Syria has called the fatwa a sensational one official theologians have for the first time accused Saudi Arabia of supporting extremism.

The "Caucasian Knot" has reported that on August 25-27, Grozny hosted the Islamic Conference on the topic "The followers of the Sunnah: who are they?" Following the conference results, the participants have adopted a fatwa, which recognizes only followers of the Sufi tariqat as the true Muslims. The Salafi concept was declared a dangerous religious sect together with the "Islamic State", banned in Russia. The fatwa is directed to a split among Muslims of Russia, state theologians.

The participants of the conference have destroyed the credibility of the Salafi universities of Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the "Eurasia Daily" reports.

Muhammad bin Abdelrahman Al Arifi, Professor of the King Saud University in Riyadh, known for his calls for Muslims to join for the fight against the legitimate Syrian authorities, has condemned the results of the conference in Grozny.

According to the Qatari news agency "Al Jazeera", on Twitter, Muhammad bin Abdelrahman Al Arifi called Ramzan Kadyrov wrong and noted that Salafis have the right to kill the Chechen leader as an "enemy of Islam."

The accusations against Russia appear unconvincing, believes Akhmad Marzuk, a source from the military circles of Syria. According to him, among others, the development of the Grozny conference resolution also involved representatives of the University "Al-Azhar", one of the most influential centres of Islamic studies in the world.

Full text of the article is available on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’.

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