Imam Huseyn Square. The villagers are laying down stones and bars. Nardaran, November 26, 2015. Photo by Aziz Karimov for the "Caucasian Knot"

13 January 2016, 16:16

Elder of Nardaran pleads partially guilty, his advocate reports

Natiq Kerimov, one of the elders of the Baku village of Nardaran, who had been arrested on the charge of treason, pleaded partly guilty. This was reported by his advocate Eiyub Alekperov. He has also noted that Natiq Kerimov is under medical supervision.

The "Caucasian Knot" has reported that on January 6, Natiq Kerimov was detained in Nardaran. The Baku Court has pronounced the decision to arrest Natiq Kerimov for four months. The State Security Service of Azerbaijan accused Natiq Kerimov of espionage for a foreign country.

Earlier, in Azerbaijan, members of the opposition and human rights defenders have claimed the absurdity of the accusation of treason against Natiq Kerimov.

Eiyub Alekperov has emphasized that Natiq Kerimov has been recently offered to undergo a surgery, but he refused it. The advocate has noted that his client has no serious health problems, the "Trend" reports.

It should be noted that Natiq Kerimov is a member of the oppositional National Council of Democratic Forces (NCDF) of Azerbaijan, and he actively communicated with the media and reported about events in Nardaran in November 2015.

On November 26, 2015, during the special operation in the village of Nardaran, law enforcers detained 14 people, including Talekh Bagirzade, the leader of the movement "Muslim Unity". The detention provoked the unrest, in which seven people were killed, and that was followed by mass arrests.

Full text of the article is available on the Russian page of 24/7 Internet agency ‘Caucasian Knot’.

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