05 January 2012, 14:00
Dagestan: 824 persons lost or wounded in 2011 in armed conflict
In 2011, at least 824 persons fell victim to the armed conflict in Dagestan, including 413 casualties and 411 more persons, who received wounds of various gravity. As compared with 2010, the total count of victims went up by more than 20 percent – in 2010, there were 685 of them. The main blow fell on civilians. These are the results of calculations made by the "Caucasian Knot" based on the data from its own correspondents and information from open sources.
Explosions and terror acts
In 2011, 86 explosions in Dagestan were reported, which killed 58 persons, including 14 power agents, 12 militants and 32 civilians. In total, 180 persons were wounded, including 113 power agents and 67 civilians.
These explosions included four suicide bombings, which killed 7 persons: 3 power agent and 4 suicide bombers; besides, 30 persons, including 28 power agent and 2 civilians got wounded.
In 2010, Dagestan saw 112 explosions, including 5 suicide bombings; the latter killed 29 persons, including 5 suicide bombers; 108 persons more were wounded. Thus, in 2011, self-explosions became less devastating in Dagestan.
Loss among power agents and members of armed underground
In 2011 in Dagestan, the losses among members of the armed underground made 173 persons, including suicide bombers and those, liquidated as a result of "counterterrorist" operations of power agents. Besides, at least 103 persons were detained by law enforcement bodies on suspicion of involvement in the armed underground.
Last year, 176 suspected militants were liquidated in the republic; and 41 more were detained.
In 2011, in total, 111 employees of law enforcement bodies perished as a result of shelling, explosions and armed clashes; and 281 others were wounded. In 2010, these figures were 124 and 200, respectively.
Civilian casualties
The confrontation of power agents and the armed underground results in victims among the civil population. Thus, in 2011, there were 259 such victims in Dagestan.
In 2011, at least 129 civilians were lost in Dagestan as a result of explosions, shelling, terror acts and attacks; and at least 130 civilians were wounded.
In 2010, unidentified attackers killed 78 civilians in skirmishes between power agents and militants and by explosions; 107 more civilians were wounded.
Kidnappings and disappearances continued: in total in 2011 in Dagestan at least 31 such cases were registered. In 2010, there were at least 18 such incidents.
Shooting more, blowing up less
The above figures indicate that in 2011 the war move towards a greater impact on civilian population: the number of killed power agents and militants went down, but the number of civilian victims went up dramatically.
The total number of victims of the conflict increased from 685 persons (of which 378 were killed and 307 others wounded) in 2010 up to 824 persons (of which 413 persons were killed and 411 others wounded) in 2011. Thus, the death toll went up within a year by 139 persons, that is, by more than 20 percent.
In 2011, in attacks, bombings and armed conflicts there were killed 13 law enforcers less than in 2010 (which is a 10-percent decrease); however, more enforcers were wounded – by 81 persons – than in 2010, which is a 40-percent increase.
We also see a sharp decline in the number of explosions – from 112 in 2010 to 86 in 2011, including a decrease in the number of suicide bombings – from 5 in 2010 to 4 in 2011. These bombings also became less bloody: in 2011, suicide bombers killed and wounded 100 persons less than in 2010, which means a 72-percent reduction (37 casualties in 2011 against 137 in 2010).
At the same time, in 2011, Dagestan saw a significant increase in the number of deaths and injuries among civilians: by 74 persons or almost 40 percent more than in 2010.
Let us remind you that in 2011 Dagestan remained the North-Caucasian leader by the total number of victims.
The sad trend dominated, despite the measures taken to reduce the tension, including the efforts of the adaptation commission for the persons who wish to quit the armed underground and return to peaceful life. During the work of the commission, about 40 members of the armed underground have surrendered and pled guilty. The commission also helps the persons already convicted for their criminal actions, but ready to get corrected.
The work aimed at returning militants to civilian life should continue, said the participants of the hearings on the topic "Peacemaking Practice in Northern Caucasus: Experiences, Models and Methods to Improve Efficiency", held on November 29 at the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. However, several public figures of Dagestan believe that the efficiency of the adaptation commission is nullified by the continuing violations of rights of local residents by law enforcers. This is the opinion of the famous local poet Adallo, while Abbas Kebedov, a co-chair of the public movement "Territory of Peace and Development", said that so far not a single real militant had passed through the commission; and it needs greater authorities.
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