04 July 2011, 21:00
NCFD: from January to June, 2011, 42 persons lost, 94 – wounded in 93 explosions and terror acts
Statistics on explosions and terror acts in the North-Caucasian Federal District (NCFD) of the Russian Federation for the first half of 2011 in comparison with that for the same period of 2010 gives grounds for cautious optimism: in general for the District, the number of explosions fell from 138 to 93, the number of perished in the result of these incidents decreased almost two times, from 81 to 42 persons, and the number of wounded decreased more than three times, from 297 to 94 persons.
With account of the data of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA) of Dagestan, the "Caucasian Knot" is publishing the updated results of calculations.
Statistics by NCFD
In the NCFD, from January till June of 2011, 93 explosions and terror acts occurred, in total, 42 persons were killed, including 6 law enforcement agents, 12 members of the armed underground and 24 civilians. 94 persons got wounded, including 63 law enforcement agents, one suspect of membership in the armed underground and 30 civilians.
Among the explosions there were 7 cases of suicide bombing, in the result of which, in total, 13 persons were killed, including 3 law enforcement agents and 10 militants. And 30 persons got wounded, including 28 law enforcement agents and 2 civilians. Four out of seven cases of suicide bombing occurred at detention.
From January till June of 2010 in the NCFD, 138 explosions and terror acts occurred, in total, 81 persons were killed, including 39 law enforcement agents, 11 members of the armed underground and 31 civilians. 297 persons got wounded, including 136 law enforcement agents, 2 militants and 159 civilians.
Among the explosions there were 7 suicide bombings, in the result of which, in total, 29 persons were killed, including 18 law enforcement agents, 7 militants and 4 civilians. And 68 persons got wounded, including 44 law enforcement agents and 24 civilians. One out of seven cases of suicide bombing occurred during the armed confrontation with law enforcement agents.
Statistics by regions
In Ingushetia, in January-June 2011, in total eight explosions were registered, including one suicide bombing, committed on March 4 by Khamzat Korigov, when law enforcers tried to detain him. These explosions, except for the case with Korigov, brought no casualties. One person was wounded - Sultan-Girey Khashagulgov, the former deputy minister for construction of Ingushetia.
In January-June 2010, the republic saw 31 explosions and terror acts, which killed in total 10 persons: five employees of law enforcement bodies, three civilians and two suicide bombers. The death toll includes, apart from two suicide bombers, tow power agents. Two more power agents were wounded. In total, those 31 explosions, including two suicide bombings, wounded 74 persons, including 48 power agents and 26 civilians.
In Chechnya, in January-June 2011, there were 19 explosions and terror acts, which killed 14 persons in total, including three power agents, four militants and seven civilians. In total, 21 persons were wounded, including 21 power agents and four peaceful residents. The list of explosions included two suicide bombings committed by four militants (two bombers in each case) at the attempts to detain them.
During the same period of 2010, Chechnya saw 25 explosions and terror acts, which killed 11 persons: nine power agents, one militant and one civilian. In total, 32 persons were wounded, including 24 power agents and eight civilians. The list of explosions included one suicide bombing, which killed the bomber himself and wounded five power agents and two civilians.
In Dagestan, in January-June 2011, there were 46 explosions and terror acts, which killed 26 persons, including three power agents, six members of the armed underground and 17 civilians. In total, 63 persons were wounded, including 13 power agents and 50 peaceful residents. The terror acts included three suicide bombings, which killed eight persons - one power agent, four suicide bombers and three civilians. In total, 29 persons were wounded, including one power agent and 28 peaceful residents.
In 2010, during the same period of time, Dagestan registered 62 explosions and terror acts, which killed 50 persons, including 24 power agents, eight persons, announced as militants, and 18 civilians. In total, 108 persons were wounded, including 50 law enforcers, two persons announced as militants, and 56 civilians. The terror acts included three suicide bombings, which killed 24 persons, including 16 power agents, four suicide bombers and four civilians. In total, 57 persons were wounded, including 35 power agents and 22 civilians.
In Kabardino-Balkaria, in the first six months of 2011, at least 19 explosions were triggered; in particular, according to law enforcement bodies, a suicide bombing was committed at a detention attempt, and five explosions of grenades, thrown by suspected militants also at attempts to detain them. No information about the casualties in the explosions, except for the incident with the suicide bombing, was reported. The count of wounded persons was four, including one civilian, two power agents and a supposed member of the armed underground, which was engaged in making an improvised explosive device and suffered, when it blew up.
In January-June 2010, the republic saw 17 explosions and terror acts, which killed two persons - a power agent and a civilian. In total, 37 persons were wounded, including 14 power agents and 23 peaceful residents. No information about suicide bombings was available.
In North Ossetia, in January-June 2011, one explosion was triggered, which wounded one serviceman. In 2010, the same period of time saw two explosions, which killed one and wounded six civilians.
In the Stavropol Territory, in the first half of 2011, no deliberate explosions (of non-everyday nature) were registered. In January-June 2010, one terror act was committed, which killed seven persons and wounded 40 others. All the victims were civilians.
In Karachay-Circassia, either in the first half of 2011, or in the first half of 2010, no explosions and terror acts were registered.
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