26 August 2003, 14:19
Despotism of Russian soldiers in Ordzhonikidzevskaya village
As eye-witnesses affirm, on August 21, 2003 in the Ordzhonikidzevskaya village of the Sunzhensky region of Ingushetia about 30 Russian military men in a camouflaged uniform and masks armed with special weapons drove to the building of the local polyclinic in a white Gazel car. One young men standing in the street near the building tried to pass out when he had seen military men armed to the teeth. Soldiers opened automatic fire at him without any warning. Then they run up to him and started beating him with their legs and butts of their automatic machines. People affirm that one of the soldiers finished the young guy off with several pistol shots, after that his body was loaded into the Gazel.
Then soldiers captured other four people cruelly beating them with butts of automatic machines.
Doctor Khashiyev was beaten by Russian military men as he was trying to stick up for the guys. The cause of the capture of five people in the polyclinic of the Ordzhonikidzevskaya village is unknown.
Family names of the young men detained by the Russian soldiers are being specified. According to available information, they are from the Chechen Republic.
Source: Public organization "Chechen National Rescue Committee"
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