06 August 2009, 23:50

Bastrykin: Georgia planned to poison water supply in Tskhinvali

As reported by Alexander Bastrykin, Chairman of Investigatory Committee at the Prosecutor's Office (ICPO), Russian inspectors found a plan of operation aimed at poisoning the system of water supply in Tskhinvali in August 2008.

Let us remind you that at night of August 8 last year a large-scale warfare began between Georgian and South-Ossetian military units, to which Russia later joined.

"In the course of investigation in the territory of the Georgian enclave in the village of Achabeti, Tskhinvali District, the plan of operation was found, which was aimed at poisoning the system of water supply of Tskhinvali," said Mr Bastrykin.

Besides, according to his story, when the massed bombardment forced peaceful inhabitants to hide in cellars, Georgian militaries tried to flood the cellars and threw grenades into them.

The "Rossiskaya Gazeta" also quotes Mr Bastrykin saying that, in his opinion, "bringing to criminal liability in the territory of Russia of the top officials of the Georgian regime - the President, Minister of Defence and other leaders - is hardly possible, since they have immunity as officials of a state with foreign criminal jurisdiction."

In this context, according to his version, it is necessary to initiate investigation of their crimes at international criminal instances - which is the mission of Russian Ministries of Foreign Affairs (MFA) and of Justice.

The Georgia's MFA, in its turn, has accused Russia of disseminating disinformation about the events of August 2008 in the context of the first anniversary of those events.

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